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I trust this message finds you well. As I prepare to say goodbye to the residence that has been my home for the past three years, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional experience provided by Florida Homes. Living under the care of Florida Homes has been more than just a dwelling; it has been a memorable and comforting haven. Your team's commitment to excellence has been evident in every aspect of my tenancy. From the swift handling of maintenance requests to the sense of community fostered within the property, your dedication has truly made my stay special. Thank you, Florida Homes, for being more than just a housing provider. You have been instrumental in making the past three years wonderful, and I look forward to cherishing this positive connection in the future. Warm regards,

Sara Gardenhire

My name is Nicolina, I'm from Venezuela. I am a client of the company Florida Homes in Miami, which I highly recommend for its professionalism and honesty. Excellent job.

Nicolina Trezza

I take this opportunity to thank both the amazing friendly and professional service that gave Florida Homes International Realty offer me on the purchase of our apartment in Miami.Actually the whole process was stress free and even enjoyable! Fills us satisfied with the quality of their service and immediately felt we could trust in Florida Homes International Realty completely as all became so clear to me in every step of the purchase. Your service in the rental process was also excellent and a factor in our decision to purchase our home. The property management services have been excellent

Edwin Koort

My personal opinion about the quality of services provided by Florida Homes and its team, exceeded my expectations because the service provided both in advising on the choice of the most suitable investment for my needs both personal and financial, and the subsequent service property management, solving all the inherent issues, which, for those who live outside the US is invaluable utility.

Gustavo Simonelli
Square Areas
Car Parking

Florida Homes International Realty LLC
Important information

To report a maintenance request, the fastest way is to click on the link MAINTENANCE REQUEST or from your cell phone by downloading the app (Residence Center), otherwise, you can send an email or you can go to the link CONTACT US.

If you are a Realtor and you want to get information about any of our properties requirements, showings, you can find all the information in the broker remarks and on the attachments of the MLS or showing assistant. If you want additional instructions, you can click on the Link REALTORS

To access your online portal, you may click here or under the “Owner” menu you’ll see “Owner Portal”