Maintenance Requests

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Our online portal provides convenient access for tenants to manage various aspects of their rental experience, including reporting maintenance requests.

As a tenant, you can easily submit maintenance requests through the portal at any time, eliminating the need for phone calls or emails. The portal allows you to describe the issue in detail, attach photos if necessary, and track the status of your request in real-time. Additionally, you can receive notifications regarding updates or scheduled appointments, ensuring timely resolution of maintenance issues.

This streamlined process enhances communication between tenants and property management, resulting in quicker response times and improved overall satisfaction with the rental experience.

Tenant portal

Download app Resident Center

Here is a short video of everything you can do through our portal:
Florida Homes International Realty LLC
Important information

To report a maintenance request, the fastest way is to click on the link MAINTENANCE REQUEST or from your cell phone by downloading the app (Residence Center), otherwise, you can send an email or you can go to the link CONTACT US.

If you are a Realtor and you want to get information about any of our properties requirements, showings, you can find all the information in the broker remarks and on the attachments of the MLS or showing assistant. If you want additional instructions, you can click on the Link REALTORS

To access your online portal, you may click here or under the “Owner” menu you’ll see “Owner Portal”